This week we has a chance to do an interview with Canadian singer/songwriter Ed Roman. For those of you who do not know, Ed Roman is an Award-winning singer/songwriter, performer and multi-instrumentalist from Shelburne, Ontario, Canada. Blurring the lines between pop, rock, folk, and country music genres, Ed’s uniquely crafted songs have received regular rotation on more than 100 terrestrial radio stations across North America and more than 400 stations, worldwide. Ed is a 2014 Artists Music Guild Award Nominee and a 2014 Artists In Music Award Nominee. He is also a 2014 International Music and Entertainment Association Award Winner, a two-time 2015 IMEA Award nominee, a Josie Show Awards nominee, an Akademia Awards Winner, and a two-time Indie Music Channel Award winner.
Ed has performed at the Red Gorilla Music Fest during SXSW, The Millennium Music Conference, and SS Cape May, and he has toured New York City and Philly in July 2015. Recently, this Top 100 MTV.com and #1 Reverbnation artist traveled to Jamaica to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to the island, while shooting the music video for “Jamaica.”
Ed is also a Heart Songs for Veterans artist, donating money to help veterans. His current album, Letters From High Latitudes (an homage to his Ontario home) is a critically-acclaimed vehicle for Ed’s socio-political, earthly-conscious and globally-aware messages. This earthy, funky and magical mix of music has earned Ed Roman airplay chart recognition and won over legions of fans around the world, known as “Ed Heads.” www.edroman.net
So on to the interview....
Hey Ed, so what´s the name of your solo project?
Ed: My project goes by my own name, Ed Roman
What is your role in the band
Ed: I am a composer, singer, writer, multi instrumentalist and fearless leader or if you will the minister of the interior..
Where are you from and What do you do?
Ed: I am from the great White North also known as Canada. I'm an award-winning singer songwriter and multi instrumentalist who has cut himself from the matrix and lives more like a feral child raised by Sasquatch in the bush.
How old were you when you first got into the music scene?
Ed: I started making noise as soon as I dropped from my mother’s womb. The time-frame in reference to my musical contributions goes hand-in-hand with the beginnings of my cognitive thought; and will continue to be so until they put me in the ground.
What got you started in music? What were your ambitions when you first started?
Ed: The pen is mightier than the sword and with that said lyrics can sway multitudes of people's ways of thinking, no different than the mass media of today.
Where was your first gig? Where was the latest gig?
Ed. My first gigs were at the age of five and six years old standing on an old stool in the farmhouse kitchen singing into a broken lamp to anybody that came through our family existence. My most recent show was at a lovely local public house called the Terra Nova Public House here in Ontario, Canada. They have amazing food and intimate crowds.
Ed. I'm continually working and always coming from a creative standpoint as opposed to thinking about the bottom dollar inside of my art form. I guess this is a dual answer because I've only really started to understand the business of music in the last number of years. It's one of the hardest things for artists to try to understand and deal with.
What genre do you feel you are? Why did you pick that particular style? What about that style called to you?
Ed. "Let everyone be my mentor so I may learn from them"; and in saying that, I try not to limit myself to a certain style or genre or particular idiom of music. It's all art and if it's coming from an earnest place and it shows itself to you the way that it needs to then all will be taken care of. Guess you might call it the kitchen sink. I do.......
Have you released any albums? If yes, please link me to itunes or where ever your album can be found. Do you have any clips on YouTube?
Ed. My most current release is called "Letters From High Latitudes" and should be purchased at.
Letters from High Latitudes by Ed Roman
Ed. You can also get my previous release Oracles & Ice Cream at
Oracles & Ice Cream by Ed Roman
My tube videos can be found at
How old are you now? How old were you when you first stood on a stage? How did it feel? What was you Best/worst gig you've played?
Ed. I am 45 years young and the first time I stood on the stage was at the age of seven. I knew I was meant to be there and it was something I was put here to do. The best gigs of course are the ones were people have a great time and we laugh and think. The worst kinds of gigs you can have are when you're nothing more than wallpaper and people seem to be more concerned with talking than listening. By the ticket take the ride.
What places will you be playing in in the near future? Where would like to perform in the future?
Ed. I will be back at the Terra Nova Public House this Friday night opening up for "The East Back Line". I plan to tour the world and bring my message to every living human being that I possibly can. This will go hand-in-hand with a spring release of the new album entitled Red Omen.
Which band is the best that you've seen live? What made their show so good?
Ed. I've seen so much music in my time and they all have their perks and downfalls but some of the best shows I've been to are bands like Phish and Santana; unbelievable enthusiasm, musicianship and wonderful songwriting. Can't ask for much more than that. The list is really endless though.
What has been your most promising gig so far? Any plans of touring? How big was the biggest crowed you preformed for?
Ed. I've played for 20,000 people before and to me, it's just as important as playing to 20. As I mentioned, I'm set for a new release in the spring of 2016 entitled "Red Omen". Canada, United States even Europe are on the touring map to follow up and support this new grouping of songs..
What are the plans for the rest of the year music wise?
Ed. As an independent artist there's always an incredible amount of work that I am completing on my own. Along with promotional videos and mixing and mastering them and the pressing of the CD as well as a limited amount of vinyl copies. This will keep me extremely busy for the next couple of months until the release date. At the same time I will be continually gigging and writing.
How do you typically get psyched up for a gig?
Ed. Coffee helps a lot .
Is it easier to get your inspiration from older bands or from bands more modern? What are your sources of inspiration?
Ed. I only listen to music for pleasure not for inspiration. As strange as that sounds because I am an artist in the musical field my inspirations come from a multitude of other areas of life. The trials and tribulations of my own existence as well as a multitude of family and friends, neighbors, my community and just about everybody that lives and breathes on this planet. The good ones, the bad ones and the ugly ones. We as humans all go through these experiences in our lives and it's important not to forget we are all capable of good and bad.
What's the first step when writing a new song?
Ed. Listening to the emotion that is driving you through your thinking process. It is there you will find the mantras and leading phrases in order to begin your artistic journey..
How do you feel about the downloading of music instead of buying albums in todays digital world?
Ed. The medium is always changing, and the important thing is that we participate in its existence. I always buy music even if it is out of date and comes from little nooks and corners in darkened alleyways. The public must understand that in order to keep this art form alive artisans greatly depend on the interaction with their dollar. There is no business of music if the public refuses to participate in it. My most current release is called "Letters From High Latitudes" and should be purchased at.
Ed. Madison Square Garden, New York City.
Besides your own music, what genres and bands do you listen to?
Ed. I always try to keep an open head about music and with that said I love a multitude of genres and styles that go back hundreds of years. Music must come from a place of not only cleverness and dexterity but show itself more as a philosopher in the heart of the moment. This could mean so many artists and so many styles. Music is so subjective and what may move me may disgust another.
Has stage fright ever been a problem for you? What advice can you give to aspiring musicians with this problem?
Ed. When I was much younger of course. We all have to learn to deal with our awkwardness. The best thing you can do is practice and know that what you're doing is right. Try and forget about all of the issues and worrying about remembering lyrics and arrangements and allow yourself to not only enjoy the moment but flow with it and listen to the experience as it's happening. The rest will all fall into place.
Do you have a job other than your music career?
Ed. As many people have, I've had a multitude of occupations but have always tried to keep my head and hands in music. Over the last 20 some odd years I've been a music teacher not only in schools but private music schools and more recently mentoring young students that are applying to university and college.
How often do you rehearse? Where do you typically rehearse?
Ed. I have my guitar or bass in my hands every day. Sometimes for hours at a time and sometimes in bits and pieces when I am multitasking through this independent industry. Typically as a band we rehearse once a week but when we are getting ready to go on the road it's far more frequent than that..
Do you have any webpages?
Ed. www.edroman.net is the main website and you can get links to my social networking like Facebook and Twitter. Please check me out on YouTube at Special Ed Roman as well as my sound cloud page.
Any pearls of wisdom for all other bands out there with less experience than you?
Ed. Be yourself. This is one of the hardest things and at the same time the easiest things to do. Once you've accepted yourself and understand who you are and what you want to say, people will listen. We are all defined by our influences but it's more important to find your own path and to carve a new trail that is easier for you to follow.
Considering the major changes in today's music industry in the digital world and the rise in home studios/DIY independent artists. What do you think is the future of the music industry? Is this good or bad in your view?
Ed. I am completely optimistic about the future when it comes to this music industry. Artists including myself must remember and remind ourselves that it is the artisans that have created the industry that we look at today. Independent music, radio, management, television and a whole host of other forms of media are now taking a hold of the publics attention. I think we live at one of the most important and exciting times in the independent industry.
How would you describe your sound in one sentence?
Ed. Like a 57 Chevy blowing up in the kitchen of your mind.
What is your favorite instrument?
Ed. Bass.
Thank you so kindly for having me today and really enjoyed our talk..
The Omen Is Red.
Look for the new release in the spring of 2016..
Blessings to you and yours...
Thank ED!
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